All are welcome!

Established in 1846, our church is grounded in history and vision. 

Today, the people of Travis Park Church continue seeking to make the world a better place through transformation of self and community.

We serve and learn as brothers and sisters from all walks of life:

rich and poor,

housed and homeless,

gay and straight, 

black and brown and white, 

secular and sacred,

PhD and GED. 

The people of Travis Park Church seek to live and love as God does:  passionately and unconditionally.

God calls us on a journey forward, to break down the walls of prejudice, and to  embrace all our brothers  and sisters. 


We believe the basic themes which run through the entire Biblical story and the core values of the Christian faith are God’s unconditional love and justice for all of us and the call for each of us to embody this in our own lives.  Our mission at Travis Park is the practice of unconditional love and justice.

Travis Park is unconditional love and justice in action.

Unconditional love...

Our commitment to unconditional love means that we welcome, affirm and celebrate, without judgment, ALL people. Yes, we mean all races, nationalities, ages, genders, marital status, and sexual orientation. We mean the rich, the poor, the brilliant, the ignorant, the irreverent, the powerful, the homeless, the disabled, the uneducated, the illiterate, the religious, the mentally ill, the average and the merely above average. We could go on and on, but we really mean everybody, and that includes you, too.

...and justice in action.

Travis Park's commitment to justice means our congregation strives to remove political, cultural, and societal barriers both in the church and community that prevent people from being who God created them to be. This commitment is not based in anybody's idea of political correctness, but in the actions and teachings of Jesus. The closer our lives mirror his life, the more available we are to experience and become God's new creation.

Travis Park Church is affiliated with the Reconciling Ministries Networka group of United Methodist congregations who have adopted statements welcoming people of all sexual orientations and gender identities.