Job Opening

November 2018
Travis Park United Methodist Church

Celebration Band & Singers Director  

The job of the Celebration Band & Singers Director is to build, educate, nurture and direct our professional band and volunteer singers that present band-led music almost every week for Sunday morning worship. This position requires knowledge of a wide variety of band-led music that is: 

  1. compatible with TPUMC’s focus on unconditional love, inclusion of all people, and progressive theology, 
  2. appropriate for the skill level of our band and singers, and 
  3. accessible as participatory congregational songs.

Our band-led music has long had gospel, soul, and Latin influences and is often part of musical worship alongside a choir and organ. The successful candidate will bring experience and passion in leading and teaching multicultural music with a diverse team, as well as a personal faith journey in line with TP’s commitment to unconditional love and justice. This position also requires a high level of skill in directing a non-professional group of singers to sing in the healthiest, most beautiful way they can.  

This position reports to the Director of Worship, Music & Arts (WMA). The job duties will include:

  1. In consultation with the Director of WMA, select 4-5 appropriate band-led songs compatible with the worship theme to be performed at each week’s Sunday service and for some special services, such as Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, World AIDS Day or Transgender Remembrance, Christmas Eve.
  2. Ensure that we have the charts and song sheets for the band and singers (this may involve creating charts on occasion); determine how each song will be performed, e.g. solos, repeats, etc., and communicate that to the band and singers; as needed, provide recordings of upcoming songs for the band and singers to practice on their own during the week.
  3. Each week, direct the band and singers in the 8:45 am Sunday morning rehearsal to prepare for that day’s service (requires arriving no later than 8:30 am).
  4. Each week, select music for upcoming services and direct the singers in a separate rehearsal to prepare this music.  Currently, this rehearsal is at 11:15 am Sundays. 
  5. By 9:30 am Tuesday of each week, communicate to the Director of WMA song titles, lyric sheets and any other info needed for the coming Sunday’s bulletin and screens.
  6. Lead the band-led congregational singing at each Sunday morning service.
  7. Recruit and nurture Celebration Band & Singers members.
  8. Send weekly emails to the Celebration Band & Singers members about worship songs, rehearsal times, etc.
  9. Other duties as may be needed and reasonably requested by the Director of WMA.

To apply, please send your resume, references, and a cover letter describing why you are interested in serving Travis Park UMC to:

Lana Potts
Director of Worship, Music & Arts
Travis Park UMC
230 E. Travis St.
San Antonio, Texas 78205
210-412-7827 (mobile phone)