Deborah's House

DH Service Opportunity

Deborah's House is looking for several board members from Travis Park UMC to serve on the board of this wonderful ministry.  The board meets on a monthly basis to plan events and fundraisers for the support of the organization.  If you are interested or need additional information, please contact Paula Stallcup at or 210-275-3424.


Our Mission: Deborah's House supports women who have completed an in-patient program for their ongoing recovery from the disease of addiction by providing a safe sober-living home, spiritual mentoring and modeling of life skills for their continued success.

Our Vision: We at Deborah's House envision a world where every woman can contribute to her greatest potential and be the woman she was created to be.  Substance abuse addiction robs her of that ability to work and flourish. After a woman has completed treatment for addiction,  she needs a  home where she can stay sober, build relationships, and recreate her skills.  Deborah's House provides a safe homelike environment for women in transition from a substance abuse recovery program to a life of self-sustainable confidence.  Women mentors share compassionate guidance with each woman, while supporting her spiritual and personal growth until she is ready to face the world on her own.

Eligible Resident: Any woman who is recommended by her counselor upon completion of a 60-90 day residential treatment program and who is committed to finding meaningful employment and transforming her life.

Applicants: Click here for forms.



The Program

Residents will stay at Deborah’s House while continuing their outpatient recovery and practicing life skills as they pursue full-time work or school.  With faith-based mentoring and an environment of support and accountability, women addicts are more likely to continue the journey of healing. Spiritual growth in a home church will build social and spiritual networks for a lifetime. A volunteer mentor, trained specifically for this ministry, will give support and personal attention to each resident. Having looked at the research, Deborah’s House believes that ongoing recovery is possible when four underlying goals are met:
Women may be accepted in to Deborah’s House with the recommendation of their counselors upon completion of a 60-90 day recovery program, ongoing attendance at 12-step or other support groups and an ongoing relationship with a sponsor.
Through having a safe place to live, on a closed campus, residents pay no rent the first month and rent after that based on 30% their net income, not to exceed $300 per month. Residents who are attending school or training programs pay even less.
Through exploration of the mind-body-spirit connection by residents meeting weekly with a spiritual mentor who is trained in the Genesis Process, a faith-based relapse prevention program; and by participating weekly in a faith community of the resident’s choice.
Through obtaining employment and/or training that provides a living wage and true independence. Deborah’s House provides the space and the time to rebuild and transforms lives.


Transforming Women’s Lives

Deborah’s House was named after one of the greatest woman leaders  in the Old Testament (Book of Judges). In addition to being brave, Deborah was also wise. Meeting in the  shade of a palm tree, she would counsel and settle disputes for her village. The palm tree symbolizes an oasis, and that is what we want to provide to our residents as they resume healthy, successful lives.
When space allows, Deborah’s House will be available to any woman who has been recommended by a recovery program and who has no safe home to return to.  Located on the northwest side of San Antonio near the medical center, our six-bed facility includes a beautiful kitchen, three bedrooms, a study room and a common area.


Information for applicants

Eligible Resident: Any woman who is recommended by her counselor upon completion of a 60-90 day residential treatment program and who is committed to finding meaningful employment and transforming her life.
If you meet these eligibility requirements, please download and complete the forms listed below and return to:
Travis Park United Methodist Church
Attention: Deborah's House
230 E. Travis Street
San Antonio, TX 78205
or fax to 210-699-1866

Facts About Recovery & Relapse

According to the National Institutes of Health, recent scientific advances have revolutionized our understanding of addiction as a chronic, relapsing disease and not a moral failure. In fact, relapse rates for drug addiction are similar to those of other well-characterized chrinic illnesses, i.e. diabetes 1, hypertension and asthma. Therefore, addiction should be treated as such, necessitating long-term treatment to support recovery.

Additionally, substance abuse is one of the leading causes for homelessness and incarceration. Equally alarming is the finding that the relapse rate is 40% to 60%. While relapse is predictable, there are programs that can reduce the probability.

Some Facts to Consider:

SAMM Ministries lists the following causes for homelessness:                          

· Substance abuse and the lack of needed services

· Lack of affordable housing

· Mental illness and the lack of needed services

· Poverty

· Domestic violence

· Unemployment


The Vera Institute of Justice conducted a survey of jail inmates in Los Angeles, CA regarding the hurdles inmates faced upon release. The five most common reentry priorities necessary to reintegrate into society from jail, as self-reported by inmates are:

· Employment (73%)

· Housing (34%)

· Substance use (33%)

· Relationships (26%)

· Staying out of trouble (23%)


In other words, a lot of things have to be in place to avoid relapse. In a report to the Robert Woods Johnson Foundation, researchers also found:

Addiction is rooted in a physical, mental and spiritual imbalance.

There is a necessity for a substance-abuse treatment model that gives credence to the mind-body-spirit connection.


Preparation to be a mentor to the women in our transitional housing program. 

The Genesis Process provides both a Biblically and neuro-chemical understanding of what, in addictions, is broken that causes us to be self destructive. The workshop will help us to understand why people get stuck in addictions, to understand and learn to use the Genesis tools for a lifestyle of personal growth and spiritual change, to learn to help others stuck in self destructive behaviors using these tools. 

The Genesis Process is an integration of Biblical principles, proven relapse prevention techniques, cognitive therapy, and the latest research in neurochemistry. This process has proven successful in maintaining long-term recovery in clinical trials and recovery programs.

The Genesis Process is successful because it deals with subconscious relapse patterns by addressing the underlying faulty belief systems that support them. 

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