Children, Youth and Adult Ministries

Children's Ministries at Travis Park Church

Jesus said, "Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."     Matthew 19:14 NRSV

We welcome all children with love, encouraging them to ask questions and develop healthy curiosity about the world and their place in it. We want children to know that this is a safe place for them to discover who they are in this vast universe and what their purpose is in life.

Understanding that kids learn best by doing, lots of fun hands-on teaching techniques are used in Sunday School. In planning for children's ministries, the following areas are emphasized:

  • fully participating in the life of the church
  • growing in their ability to live responsibly with others
  • showing respect for all of life
  • developing skills in reading, studying, understanding, and using the Bible
  • experiencing how God speaks to us through music
  • growing in their understanding of prayer and their ability to pray
  • discovering the joy of serving God and others.

VBS: Maker Fun Factory is  July 10-14 from 9am to 3pm.  Music, crafts, science, games, mission, and more!

Here you will find a well-trained and experienced staff of caregivers ready to nurture each child individually. Caregivers offer God's love to the children while providing a healthy environment with stimulating and age appropriate toys and activities.

The nursery is open every Sunday from 8:30 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. 

You can expect tender loving care for your child:

  • Experienced caregivers who exhibit a sense of calm assurance and the love of God
  • An excellent ratio of caregivers to children
  • Spacious rooms with appropriate furniture, decor and toys

Elementary School

The grade school (K - 5) Sunday school is also from 10:15 -11:15 and includes stories, games, and art.   Following Sunday school (during the school year) children are invited to join in the Children's Church Time during the 11:15 a.m. worship.  This includes grades K through 5.

Sunday school classes for grades K-5 are located in the church nursery on the first floor.  

A Joyful Noise!  6:00-7:00 p.m. Sundays, (Sept.-May) for children in grades 1-5, Room 206

Led by Caroline Bonner and Analisa Campbell, the children will sing, play hand chimes and percussion instruments learn music literacy skills, have a lot of FUN! For more information, contact Caroline at

For more information about our Children's Ministries, contact Erika Stiner at (210) 226-8341 x 334, or

TPUMC Sunday School - 10:15-11:15 am

Children’s Sunday School -  Room 316

Grades K-5

Beginning in August of 2015, we will use Deep Blue one room classroom for grade school Sunday school.  These lessons take us through the Bible in three years.

 All kids (K-5) are also invited to Children’s Church which happens during the 11:15 service after the Children’s sermon.


Junior High Sunday School - Room 307

This class is for 5-8th graders


Young Adult Class -  Conference Room in the Church Office

 This is a group of “young-ish adults” (20’s and 30’s) gathering together to explore our faith and how it applies to our lives. We also meet outside of the traditional Sunday school time for fellowship and fun! If you would like to be added to the facebook email thread, please contact Taylor Brown at


Corazon Bible Study - Room 220

Cafe Corazon Bible Study is led by Taylor Boone. This class studies four passages of scripture each week from the church's lectionary. The passages are read aloud and studied; one each from the Old Testament, Psalms, Epistles, and Gospels. No preparation is needed for this class.


Melbert Bible Class - Room 216

This group of older adults (65+) meets with praying, singing "old favorite" hymns and studying the Bible from the Cokesbury Adult Bible Studies which is linked to the Methodist lectionary. Teachers are Phil Watkins, John McClellan, and Jerry Foster.


Seekers - Room 219

Seekers is a warm group of mid to older adults who study biblical and theological topics and social justice issues by reading contemporary authors. The class has multiple teachers. The class mission is to cook monthly for Cafe Corazon and visit nursing homes periodically.


Sine Nomine - Room 217

This group of adults, which range in age from their 20s to 90s, consider themselves to be forward thinking and is the first "Reconciling" class at Travis Park. Study varies greatly and class members volunteer to take turns teaching.


Other Adult Ministries

Wednesdays 6:00 pm - Prayer Picnic - Fellowship Hall 

Thursdays 12:00 - Community Bible Study  Contact Rev. Billie Watts

Fridays 12:00 - Community Bible Study    Contact Rev. Taylor Boone