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week of April 10

Psalm 30
John 21:1-19;
Acts 9:1-20

1. Why is the psalmist extolling or praising God (vv. 1-3)? Why would people rejoice over the condition of the psalmist (v. 1)? To whom or what do you turn when you are hurting? Have you ever made fun of anyone because something bad happened to them or has anyone ever done that to you?

2. Why was the psalmist surprised by his problem (vv.6-7)? Have you ever taken God for granted when everything was going your way? What argument does the psalmist make for God to heal him (vv. 8-10)? Have you ever tried to bargain with God and what were the consequences?

3. Where do we find Peter, Thomas and some of the other disciples in the reading from John (v. 2)? What had they experienced twice before? What does Peter say he is going to do and who joins him (v. 3)? Do you find anything unusual about how the disciples are acting? Were the disciples successful in their efforts all night long (v. 4)? Who calls to them and what does he confirm about   their over-night efforts (v. 5)? What does he tell them to do and of what does it remind you from the Gospel of Luke (v. 6; Luke 5:1-11)?

4. Who recognizes Jesus first (v. 7)? What did the disciples find when they reached the shore (v. 9)? What does Jesus invite the disciples to do and how did they react (v. 12)? What questions does Jesus ask Peter (vv.15-17)? What does Jesus tell Peter he must do after Peter answers each question (vv.15-17)? What does Jesus tell Peter how he will end his life (vv. 18-19)? What is Jesus last command to Peter and what does it mean (v. 19)?

5. How did Saul feel about the disciples of Jesus (v. 1)? What did he want to do to disciples of Jesus and from whom did he receive authority (v. 2)? Describe what happened to Saul while he was on the road to Damascus (vv.3-6)? How did Saul get to Damascus and what was his condition (v. 8)? What then did Saul do and for how long (v. 9)?

6. Who was Ananias and what mission did God give him (vv. 10-12)? Why did Ananias question what God was telling him (vv. 13-15)? How does God answer and what is the mission for Saul (v. 15)? What will be the consequences for Saul (v. 16)? Have you ever suffered because of God? Once Ananias laid hands on Saul, what happened to Saul (vv. 17-19)? How do you think God can use you? 

Fourth Sunday of Easter, April 17, 2016:

Psalm 23
John 10:22-30;
Acts 9:36-43
Revelation 7:9-17

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