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week of April 12

These are the scriptures from the lectionary for this week, to be discussed at Bible Study at 12 noon on Thursday and Friday.

Psalm 133

1 John 1:1-2:2

John 20:19-31

Acts 4:32-35

1.         Do you have a family? When you get together as a family, do you get along? What does the psalmist describe to be good and pleasant (v. 1)? How does the psalmist describe a family that gets along (v. 2)?

2.         What is so special about Mt. Zion (v. 3)? Why do people get into conflicts? How does a person prevent conflicts?  Do you enjoy conflict?  Why or why not? Were the prophets ever in conflict with the power structures? Was Jesus ever in conflict with the power structure and even his own disciples?


3.         Who is writing this letter and why (vv. 1-4)? How is God described in verse 5? Can a person say he/she is one with God if living in the darkness (v. 6)? What does darkness mean to you? If we walk in the light, what benefits do we receive (v. 7)?


4.         What is sin? If we walk in the light, what happens to our sin (v. 7)? Do you ever think you are without sin? Who are you deceiving if you think you no longer sin (v. 8)? How do we overcome our separation from God caused by our sins (v. 9)? Who do you make a liar by thinking you do not sin (v. 10)? Why is the author of 1 John writing to us (v. 2:1)? What is atonement and did Jesus do it only for believers (v. 2:2)?


5.         Where were the disciples and why (v. 19)? What did Jesus say when he appeared (v. 19)? How would you react if Jesus appeared before you right now? What did the disciples do immediately (v. 20)? How does Jesus respond (v. 21)? What does Jesus breathe on them (v. 22)? What did the disciples receive (v. 22)? How does a person forgive sins of another and how do you retain the sins of another person? Explain what happens when you forgive or retain (v. 23).


6.         Who was not there and did not believe what the disciples experienced (vv. 24-25)? What did Thomas demand before he would believe (v. 25)? What does Jesus first say when he arrives when Thomas is in attendance (v. 26)? When you experience the presence of Jesus, how are you affected? Who is blessed (v. 29)? Why is it so hard to believe?


7.         How were a group of believers described in verse 32? What does it mean to be of one heart and soul? How did the Holy Spirit transform these believers from within (v. 32)? What did the apostles do that affected so many people (v. 33)?


8.         How did these believers respond to the witness of the disciples (v. 34)? Was anyone in need? How willing are you to sell what you don’t really need to share with persons who have so very little?

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