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week of April 19

These are the scriptures from the lectionary for this week, to be discussed at Bible Study at 12 noon on Thursday and Friday.

Psalm 4

Luke 24:36b-48

Acts 3:12-19

1 John 3:1-7


1.         What kind of relationship do you think the psalmist had with God (v. 1)? Do you think the psalmist trusted God (v. 1)? Do you trust God? How does the psalmist address the people who are maligning him (v. 2)? Does the psalmist claim any advantage of protection as a warning to those who are persecuting him (v. 3)? Does God hear you when you cry for deliverance from evil?

2.         What does the psalmist suggest to people who challenge him (v. 4)? What does the psalmist suggest his persecutors should do (v. 5)? What would right sacrifices have been then and now? Who appears to have given up and is whining (v. 6)? Yet, how does the psalmist respond (vv. 7-8)? Do you ever have difficulty sleeping because you are worrying about your safety (v. 8)?


3.         When Jesus appears, what are his words of comfort (v. 36b)? How did the disciples react (v. 37)? How do you think you would have reacted? How does Jesus challenge the disciples (v. 38)? How else does Jesus attempt to convince the disciples (vv. 39-41)? What proof do you need to believe in Christ?


4.         Of what does Jesus remind his disciples (v. 44)? How does Jesus get them to understand (v. 45)? What is to be proclaimed in the name of Jesus (v. 47)? What does that mean? Are you willing to repent? Are you willing to accept forgiveness?


5.         Peter was addressing people after they had watched him heal a crippled beggar. What question does Peter ask the people (v. 12)? Before the people can answer, how does Peter challenge the people (vv. 13-14)? Have you ever rejected Jesus and if so, why?


6.         How does Peter account for the healing (v. 16)? Do you think faith in Jesus will always heal your body? Does Peter hold the death of Jesus against the people (vv. 17-18)? Explain. What does Peer suggest the people should do (v. 18)? Why is it so hard for us to turn to God—to repent?


7.         In the passage from 1 John, who do you think the writer was referring to as the children of God (v. 1)? Why does the writer say people do not recognize who he and his people are (v. 1)? Who do you think people might say about us or you—child of God? What does the writer say he and his people do not know at that time (v. 2)? When will they know and how (v. 2)?


8.         How is Christ revealed to us (v. 2)? How does a person purify the self (v. 3)? How does the author describe a person who commits sin (v. 4)? Are you lawless? Why was Christ revealed (v. 5)? Does anyone who becomes a Christian become sinless? What must a person do to become less sinful and lawless (v. 6)? What does it mean to abide? Are you abiding in Christ?


Third Sunday of Easter, April 19, 2015

Psalm 23

1 John 3:16-24

John 10:11-18

Acts 4:5-12

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