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week of April 26

These are the scriptures from the lectionary for this week, to be discussed at Bible Study at 12 noon on Thursday and Friday.

Psalm 23

John 10:11-18

Acts 4:5-12

1 John 3:16-24


1.         How is God named in verse 1 of Psalm 23? What does this name mean to you? How do you describe God? What does God do for the psalmist in verses 2-3? What would be the equivalent for you in your world in regard to green pastures, still waters, and right paths?

2.         Do you ever feel alone, especially in the times of peril or difficulty? How does the psalmist address this possibility in verse 4? What do you fear? Where does evil appear in your life? How does the psalmist reflect that God has or will provide for him/her (vv. 5-6)? How do you recognize God in your presence? What happens when an animal wanders away from its shepherd?


3.         In the passage from John, who is the good shepherd and who are the sheep (v. 11)? Who is the writer referring to as the hired hand (v. 12)? How is the hired hand described in verses 12-13? Who or what is the wolf in these verses? In your life have you ever experienced the difference in how people treat you? What do you think might be some of the causes for the difference?


4.         Why do the sheep follow the good shepherd (vv. 14-16)? What voices do you listen to and follow? What is necessary for the sheep to do to follow the good shepherd (v. 16)? Are there other groups of sheep the shepherd must help?  Who might they be? Why does the good shepherd take these actions (v. 18)? Do you treat people out of love or out of expecting to get something in return?


5.         Peter and John had been speaking to the people inJerusalemand 5,000 people became believers, and because of this Peter and John were arrested. Who the next day was present to interrogate Peter and John (vv. 5-6)? What did they ask Peter and John (v. 7)? How was Peter able to respond (v. 8)? Why did Peter think he and John were being questioned (v. 9)?


6.         Did Peter take credit for the healing (v. 10)? If not, who or what is given credit (v. 10)? What source does Peter use to explain what the power structure had ignored (v. 11)? Do you ever take credit for things that happen over which you really have no control? How is a person saved according to Peter (v. 22)? What does salvation mean to and for you?


7.         Why did Jesus lay down his life for us (v. 16)? How has this understanding been explained in the passages today from Acts and John? What does it mean to abide in God (v. 17)? What is an example that a person is not abiding in God (v. 17)? As a follower of Christ, how is one to live (v. 18)?


8.         What is truth (vv. 18-19)? What does it mean that our hearts can condemn us (vv. 20-21)? What does it mean to say if our hearts do not condemn us we can receive whatever we ask from Christ? Do you think it might mean we would ask for something different? What does it mean to obey Christ (vv. 22-24)? Does obedience to Christ derive from fear or love? Are you abiding in Christ?


Fifth Sunday of Easter, May 3, 2015


John 15:1-8

Acts 8:26-40

1 John 4:7-21

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