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week of August 16

1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:1-14

Psalm 111

John 6:51-58

Ephesians 5:15-20


1.         How long did David rule and where (v. 11)? Who succeeded David(v. 12)? What do the first two verse of 1 Kings 3 foreshadow about Solomon? What did Solomon love and how was this demonstrated (v. 3)? What negative caveat appears at the end of verse 3? Who appears to Solomon in a dream and what does he ask of Solomon (v. 5)?

2.         How does Solomon describe himself and how would you categorize this description—arrogance or humility (v. 7)? What does Solomon request from God (v. 9)? Was God pleased, and if so what does God give Solomon (vv. 10-13)? What did God give Solomon that was not expected (v. 13)? Why would God do this? What does God specifically not give Solomon (compare verse 9 to verses 10-13)? What must Solomon do to live a long life (v. 14)? What would you ask from God today?

3.         Is this a Psalm of praise (v. 1)? Where will the psalmist give thanks and with whom (v. 1)? What is considered great and majestic (vv. 2-3)? How is God described in verse 4? How do you describe God? To whom does God provide food, and what does God always remember (v. 5)?

4.         Who is given credit for their lands (v. 6)? How else is God described in verse 7 and what is trustworthy? What is the responsibility of the people (v. 8)? Do you remain obedient to God? What does the psalmist remind people God has done for them (v. 9)? What has God offered you and how? How does a person gain wisdom and understanding (v. 10)? How are you doing?

5.         How does Jesus describe himself in verse 51 of John 6? To what two themes does verse 51 refer? What must a person do to live forever (v. 51)? Were Jesus’ statements to be understood literally?  What life is Jesus talking about in verse 53? What do bread and blood symbolize in ancient Judaism?

6.         What do we do in the church even today in response to these directions from Jesus? What do we call this action? We consider this action a means of grace—a means by which we can encounter Christ. What does Jesus say will happen if we eat and drink as he has directed (v. 56)? In what do you abide?

7.         Of what does the author of Ephesians warn the early church inEphesus(v. 15)? How do you consider yourself—wise or unwise? Why? Of what are we to make the most of and why (v. 16)? Why would the author describe the days being evil (v. 16)? How would you describe our current era of time?

8.         What is the will of God that we are to understand (v. 17)? What is not the will of God and why (v. 18)? Instead, how is one to avoid doing the opposite of the will of God (vv. 18b-20)? What are we to do at all times (v. 20)? How are you doing about following these directions?


Thirteenth Sunday after Pentecost, August 23, 2015

1 Kings 8: 1, 6, 10-11, 22-30, 41-43

Psalm 84

 John 6:56-69

Ephesians 6:10-20

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