week of August 23
1 Kings 8:1, 6, 10-11, 22-30, 41-43
Psalm 84
John 6:56-69
Ephesians 6:10-20
1. In the passage from 1 Kings, 8, who is the king and what has he built (v. 1)? What is being brought to this new facility and why (v. 6)? What evidence is given that God was pleased (vv. 10-11)? How does Solomon describe God in verses 23-24? What promise does Solomon ask God to keep (vv. 25-26)? What condition was part of God’s promise (v. 25)?
2. Does Solomon believe that theTemplecan contain where God may go (v. 27)? Instead, how is theTempledescribed in regard to God (vv. 29-30)? What are the people ofIsraelto do and God to respond (v. 30)? What about the foreigner or immigrant (v. 41)? What reason does Solomon give for God to heed the prayers of the foreigners (v. 43)?
3. What dwelling place is the psalmist describing in Psalm 84? How do the words of the psalmist in verse 1 seem to conflict with what in 1 Kings8:29-30? Who is to be happy according to verses 3-4? How do verses 5-7 seem to conflict with verse 4?
4. What may the psalmist mean to live in the house of God (vv. 4, 10)? Who is to be truly happy according to the psalmist (vv. 11-12)? Where does your heart of hearts live?
5. What does Jesus say is a requirement for abiding in him (v. 56)? What do we call this in the Church? How else does Jesus describe his flesh (v. 58)? Is the mere act of eating and drinking of these two substances enough for a person to abide in Christ and Christ in the person?
6. Why do the disciples think this teaching from Jesus is difficult (vv. 60-61)? What does Jesus mean when he says it is the spirit that gives life; the flesh is useless (v. 63)? Didn’t Paul say the body is the temple (1 Corinthians6:19)?How does Peter answer when Jesus asks if the twelve disciples will go away because of his statements (v. 69)? Who chose the twelve disciples (v. 70)? How is Judas described by Jesus and yet he chose him (vv. 70-71)?
7. Is the passage from Ephesians to be read literally or metaphorically? What is the key sentence of this passage (v. 10)? How does a person remain strong in God and in God’s power (vv. 10 &18)? How does a person pray in the Spirit (v. 18)? Why is the armor of God even necessary (v. 11)? From where does Jesus say evil originates (Read Mark7:21-23)?
8. According to the writer of Ephesians, against what is the struggle (v. 12)? Compare this statement to what Jesus told us to pray (see Matthew6:10)—is there a conflict? Is the statement in verse 12 to be taken literally or metaphorically? Did Jesus ever tell his disciples to prepare for war? When Jesus sent the disciples out, what did he have them to wear (see Matthew 10:7010; Mark 6:8; Luke 9:3, 10:4)? So, what do all these items of apparel mean for us as believers (vv. 13-17)?
Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost, August 30, 2015
Song of Songs 2: 8-13
Psalm 45: 1-2, 6-9; Mark 7:1-8, 14-15, 21-23
James 1:17-27