week of December 27
1 Samuel 2:18-20; 26
Psalm 148
Luke 2:41-52
Colossians 3:12-17
1. Who is Samuel and where do we find him in the reading from 1 Samuel (v. 18)? Who was his mother, and what promise had she made to God prior to Samuel’s conception? What did Samuel’s mother bring Samuel each year? Who was the chief priest in the Temple, and what blessing did he pronounce and on whom (v. 20)?
2. How did Samuel continue in his journey toward maturity (v. 26)? What most do you desire in your life right now? What would you be willing to sacrifice to achieve this goal as did Hannah? Do you think God requires us to give up something to have a right relationship with God and neighbor? If so, what?
3. What is the psalmist calling the people of Israel to do and why in Psalm 148?
4. Why is it appropriate for us to read Psalm 148 this first Sunday after Christmas? For what do you praise God?
5. Why were Jesus and his parents going to Jerusalem (v. 41)? Was it their first time (v. 1)? How old was Jesus at the time of this trip (v. 42)? What often happens in Judaism and Christianity at this age for a young person? What problem occurs when Mary and Joseph begin their return home? What did Mary and Joseph assume?
6. When Mary and Joseph return to Jerusalem how many days do they search before they find Jesus (v. 46)? What does the inability of Mary and Joseph to know where Jesus was tell us about their understanding of who Jesus was to become? Where did they find Jesus, and how was he being received by people (vv. 46-47)? How does this passage from Luke parallel today’s reading from 1 Samuel? What was Jesus learning?
7. What are we learning from Jesus Christ? Do you consider yourself one of God’s chosen? How are we to live with ourselves, our neighbors, and God (vv. 12-13)? What is the greatest force leading to harmony (v. 14)? What have you been studying in the last three weeks that might help you to live in harmony so that the peace of Christ rules your heart (Do not?; Always do?; Stay in love with?)
8. What should dwell in us and where might we find it (v. 16)? What are we to do by thought, word and deed (v. 17)? Are we?