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week of Feb 14

SCRIPTURE TEXT: Deuteronomy 26:1-11; Psalm 91:1-2, 9-16; Luke 4:1-13; Romans 10:8b-13

1. What land is being referred to in verse 1? How did the people of Israel obtain this land and what are they to do with it (v. 1)? What are first fruits of the ground (v. 2)? What are the people to do with

these first fruits (v. 2)? To whom are they to give to the first fruits, and what are they to repeat verbally (v. 3)?


2. After the first fruits are placed on the altar by the priest, what are the people to say verbally (v. 5)? Who is being referred to as the Aramean, and where did his descendants end up (v. 5)? What happened to their ancestors (v. 6)? To whom did the people call for help (v. 7)? Did they receive help (vv. 8-9)? So, where are the people (v. 10), and what are they to do with the first fruits (v. 11)?


3. In verses 1-2, who is calling out to God, and what relationship does this person (or people) have with God? Because God has been made the person’s refuge, what benefit will this person receive (vv. 9- 10)? How would you describe evil?


4. Are verses 11-13 to be read literally? Do these verses mean a person will never encounter hardships, wounds, or death? Who will God protect (vv. 14-15)? Will God abandon those who call on God (v. 15)? What will God show people who call on God (v. 16)?


5. Why is Jesus full of the Holy Spirit (v. 1)? Where was he led, by what, and for how long (vv. 1-2)? What does wilderness mean to you? Where is the wilderness for you? What is the first challenge or test of Jesus by the devil and what does this test mean for us today (vv. 2-3)? How does Jesus respond and what does it mean for you and me today (v. 4)?


6. What is the second test of Jesus (vv. 5-7)? How does this second test apply to you and me today? How does Jesus respond (v. 8)? How do your actions in life reflect or not the answer by Jesus—who or what do you serve in your daily life: where do you spend your time, what do you think about, and how do you spend your money? What was the third test of Jesus and how are we tested as Jesus? Do you cheapen God’s grace by your actions?


7. What does Paul say is near us (v. 8b)? What does Paul say is necessary for a person to be saved (v. 9)? What does confess mean to you? Is everything that comes out of our mouths truthful? How do you discern if someone I telling the truth?


8. Who saves us and how do Paul’s words in this passage seem to conflict with this understanding? What do we mean by God’s grace? What do we have to do to earn it? How do we respond to God’s grace? What does our intentional response to God’s grace do to us? What does salvation or being saved mean to you?

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