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week of Feb 22

Genesis 9:8-17

Psalm 25:1-10

 Mark 1:9-15

1 Peter 3:18-22 


These are the scriptures from the lectionary for this week,

to be discussed at Bible Study at 12 noon on Thursday and Friday.

1.  Who does God speak to and what does God promise and to whom and what (vv. 8-9)? What is required of humans in this passage? Who or what is left out of God’s promise (vv. 10-11)?  What does God promise not to destroy (v. 11)? Did God destroy earth or just the buildings and other things created by humanity? For what length of time is God’s covenant to last (v. 12)?

2.  What does God indicate he will use to remind him of God’s covenant 13-15)? Who really needs to remember this covenant? Do you think God is pleased with the actions of humanity today? Do you think God will go back on God’s promise? Why do you think God does not change God’s mind? What signs do you use to remember God and God’s promise to each and every one of us?

3.  To whom is the psalmist reaching to with his heart and why (vv. 1-2)? Who is not to be put to shame (v. 3)? Is it difficult to wait for you? What does the psalmist want to be taught and why (vv. 4-5)? Are you willing to learn; what do you expect from learning about God?

4.   How does the psalmist reason with God to do as the psalmist requests (vv. 6-7)? Do you think God remembers all the bad actions and poor decisions you have made in your life previously? What has God done? Can you forgive yourself? To be willing to be taught the ways of God, what attitude must a person take (v. 9)? Do you think there are more than one path of God or all there many (v. 10)? What might be the meanings of paths?

5.   What does Mark tell us about the birth of Jesus? Who came before Jesus and what did he do to Jesus and where (v. 9)? What may this action demonstrate about Jesus? What did God do to Jesus at that time and what does it demonstrate about Jesus (v. 10)? How does God affirm the divinity of Jesus (v. 11)?

6.   Immediately thereafter where was Jesus taken and by whom (v. 12)? What happened to Jesus for forty days (v. 13)? Who was with Jesus at this time (v. 13)? When an adult is baptized or sincerely affirms his/her baptism, where does that adult often find him/herself and why? Does a person’s baptism necessarily change the rest of the world? What action does Jesus take after his Baptism and what is his message (vv. 14-15)? Do you remember your baptism? What message are you sharing with your life?

7.   Before reading the passage today from 1 Peter you will find Peter writing to appeal to people to do good even if it causes a person to suffer. Did Jesus do the right thing for us and did he suffer (vv. 18-19)? What do sins do for us when it comes to relationships with God, one another, and ourselves? So, why did Christ suffer and die? 

8.   What was God’s promise in God’s first covenant with humanity? How is water used today to symbolize our return to God (vv. 21-22)? Do you want to reaffirm your baptism and why?


Second Sunday of Lent, March1, 2015

Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16

Psalm 22:23-21

Mark 8:31-38

Romans 4:13-25

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