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week of January 25

Jonah 3:1-5, 10
Psalm 62:5-12
Mark 1:14-20
1 Corinthians 7:29-31


These are the scriptures from the lectionary for this week, to be discussed at Bible Study at 12 noon on Friday and 10 am Sunday.

1.   Who is Jonah? In the passage we read today, was this the first time God called on Jonah (v. 1)? Well, what did God tell Jonah to do the first time (1:2)? How did God get Jonah’s attention (ch. 2)? What did God tell Jonah to do in the second calling (v. 2)? Where is Jonah to go and what is he to do (v. 2)? How is Nineveh described (v. 3)?

2.   When Jonah arrived in Nineveh, what message did he proclaim (v. 4)? How did the people of Nineveh react (v. 5)? How does God react (v. 10)? Has God ever called you to do something you did not want to do? Well, do you love God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength? Do you love your neighbor as Christ loves you? Do you ever wish harm or problems for someone who is successful at something?

3.  How does the psalmist relate to God (vv. 5-6)? How do you relate to God—does your soul wait in silence and in what do you hope? Where do you turn for deliverance (v. 7)? If you say you trust in God, what does the psalmist say we should do (v. 8)? If you said your soul waits for God, that God is your hope and deliverance, that you trust God, search your soul to see what else you rely on—money, a job, other people, yourself. What did you discover?

4.    What does the psalmist have to say about seeking wealth and power (v. 9)? On what are we not to trust (v. 10a)? If you do find earthly wealth, what does the psalmist advise us to do (v. 10b)? Who really has ultimate power (v. 11)? Whose love is steadfast (v. 12a)? What does the last sentence of verse 12 mean to you? Do you think God’s grace is conditioned on us doing good work?

5.  Last week we read the passage from the Gospel of John when Jesus called Philip and Philip called Nathanael (John 1:43-51). In our reading from Mark today, when does Jesus begin his ministry and where (v. 14)? What does Jesus proclaim (v. 15)? What is fulfilled (v. 15)? What has come near, and what does it mean (v. 15)? What were people to do then and still today (v. 15)? What is the good news?

6.   Which disciples does Jesus call in this passage (vv. 16-20)? Do any of the disciples seem to hesitate about following the instructions of Jesus? Why or why not? When did you first hear about Jesus—as a child, teenager, adult? How did you respond? Is Jesus calling you now—how are you going to respond? Does Jesus ever quit calling us to follow him? What does it mean to follow Jesus?

7.  What is Paul talking about when he says the time is growing short (v. 29)? What do you think Paul expected to happen? So, what does he tell people to do with their spouses (v. 29)? What about those who were morning or who had possessions (v. 30)? What about the power brokers (v. 30)? 

8.  What two commandments does Jesus give us? Does the passage from 1 Corinthians agree?

Next week:

Deuteronomy 18:15-20

Psalm 111

Mark 1:21-28

1 Corinthians 8:1-13

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