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week of January 3

Isaiah 60:1-6

Psalm 72:1-7, 10-14

Matthew 2:1-12

Ephesians 3:1-12 

1.   To whom is Isaiah writing in Chapter 60, which is a part of what is referred to as Third Isaiah? To what may verse 1 of Chapter 60 refer—what is arising?  What does the beginning of verse two imply the people encountered that has been problematic? Yet, who is with them (v. 2b)? What is the message of hope in verse 3 and 4?

2.   How does Isaiah expect his people will react (v. 5a)? What will his people receive (vv. 5b-6)? What may verse 6 foreshadow although Third Isaiah was probably written about 539BCE?

3.   What is the psalmist calling the people of Israel to request from God (v. 1a)? Who may this Psalm be referring (v. 1b)? What attributes are requested for a leader and who is to be    protected (v. 2)? What is requested for the community in general (v. 3)? Who is the focus of verse 4? Why do you think the psalmist thought this necessary? What do you think is necessary for leadership in today’s time?

4.   Does the psalmist want to limit the time of governance by this leader (v. 5)? How is the leaders requested governance described and what should it bring about (vv. 6-7)?  What will be the response of other nations and cultures (vv. 10-11)? Why does the psalmist say other nations will be favorable to this new leader (vv. 12-14)? Who will this new leader help and protect—who will be freed (vv. 12-14)? How would you describe world leadership today?

5.   Who shows up looking for Jesus and where did they go initially (vv. 1-2)? What may be implied by including the story of these people looking for Jesus? Who was the puppet king and what was his response to these visitors (v. 3)? Why was the rest of Jerusalem frightened (v. 3)? What do the counselors to King Herod have to explain to him (vv. 5-6)?

6.   What did Herod do secretly and why do you think he did so in that manner (vv. 7-8)? So, what did the visitors do (v. 9)? What did the visitors find in Bethlehem (vv. 10-11)? How did the   visitors respond and what did they offer (v. 11)? What may these gifts imply? Why did these visitors not return to Herod—who intervened (v. 12)? Do leaders in the world today ever act as did Herod? How do you handle power?

7.   What mystery was made known to Paul by revelation and that may be inferred by this visit of the three kings as recorded in the Gospel of Matthew9 (vv. 5-6)? Was this revelation also implied in the readings from Isaiah and Psalm 72?

8.   What gift did Paul receive from God and how does he describe his reaction (v. 7)? How does       Paul interpret how he is to respond to grace (v. 9-10)? Who or what is to continue the mission of Paul (v. 10)? What is your response to grace and what will it be in the future?

Baptism of the Lord Sunday, January 10, 2016

Isaiah 43:1-7

Psalm 29

Luke 3:15-17, 21-22

Acts 8:14-17   

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