week of July 12
2 Samuel 6:1-19
Psalm 24;
Mark 6:14-29
Ephesians 1:3-14
1. What doesDavidseek to do with the ark of God (v. 2)? Where had the ark been residing (v. 3)? How was the ark to be delivered and who was helping (vv. 3-4)? How wereDavidand the people ofIsraeldoing as the ark proceeded towardJerusalem(v. 5)? What happens when the ark began to shift and what are the consequences (vv. 6-7)? Why do you think this happened?
2. How didDavidreact to the death of Uzzah (vv. 9-11)? Where was the ark deposited and what happened in that location (vv. 10-12)? So, what doesDavidthen do with the ark (v. 12)? How didDavidand the people ofIsraelproceed intoJerusalem(vv. 14-15)? What in today’s culture could you compare whatDavidand the people ofIsraelwere doing? Was everyone pleased atDavid’s performance (v. 16)? Where did the ark end up being deposited and what did the people do (vv. 17-19)?
3. What is the psalmist declaring in the first two verses of Psalm 24? Have you ever accomplished a major task and taken all the credit for it? Why would someone want to ascend the hill of the Lord (v. 3)? What is the psalmist actually talking about (v. 3)? Who will receive a blessing from God according to the psalmist (v. 4)?
4. Who seeks God (vv. 6 & 4)? Where do you go to seek God? Do you have to be perfect or could you be following false gods? What is the psalmist referring to in verse 7? Who is being referred to as the King of glory (vv. 8-10)? How do you refer to Christ?
5. Of what had King Herod heard of Jesus, and who did he think Jesus might be (vv. 14, 16)? Why was Herod so concerned (v. 16)? Why had Herod imprisoned John (v. 17)? Why was Herodias so upset with John (vv. 19)? Was it lawful to marry the wife of a brother (v. 18; see Leviticus18:16,20:21)?
6. Did Herod want to kill John and why or why not (vv. 20-21)? How was Herod tricked into beheading John (22-25)? Why didn’t Herod refuse to kill John (v. 26)? Have you ever said you would do something only to regret you made the commitment? How often do you think before you act? What is more important to you—your ego or the life or safety of another person? How would you feel if you were the other person?
7. How does the author of the letter to the Ephesians church say God has blessed all of them (vv. 3-4)? What has God destined for the members of the early church in Ephesus(v. 5)? Why would the writer use the word adoption? How does the writer describe God action—one that had to be earned or otherwise (vv. 6-7)?
8. What is the mystery of God’s will (v. 9; see 3:3-9)? What is God’s will for all of us (v. 10)? What have we received as believers in Christ (v. 11)? Why would the writer say that the Holy Spirit redeems us (vv. 13-14)? Are you free to be the best God created you to be? Do you want to be set free?
Eighth Sunday after Pentecost, July 19, 2015
2 Samuel 7:1-14a
Psalm 89:20-37;
Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
Ephesians 2:11-22