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week of July 26

2 Samuel 11:1-15

Psalm 14:

John 6:1-21

Ephesians 3:14-21


1.          In the Scriptures, where was David when we first encountered him? Where was David before the battle with Goliath? Into what city did David dance bringing in the Ark of the Covenant? What was the city renamed? Now in 2 Samuel 11:1, where do we find David? Where does verse 1 say David should have been? Do you think David was bored (v. 2)? What has happened to David?


2. What did David see from his roof top (v. 2)? What part of David’s brain was functioning? Who was Bathsheba? Could Bathsheba have refused David? So, how does David try to cover up what he did? Who is the truly pious and humble servant (v. 11)? What does David then plot to do to Uriah (vv. 14-15)? What was at stake for David? What does this story illustrate about power?


3. In ancient Israel, the word fools was used to describe evildoers. What does the psalmist say fools say to their heart or spirit (v. 1)? Is it possible for a person committed to God to act if there is no God and do evil? How does the psalmist describe a person who is wise (v. 2)? Do you ever conclude the same as does the psalmist in verses 3-4?


4. But of what does the psalmist remind us in verses 5-6? Read Genesis 26:24; 35:3; Isaiah 41:10; 7:14; Matthew 28:20b. So, is this a message of hope? When you realize you have abandoned God and/or neighbor, who remains with you?


5. Who was following Jesus and why (v. 2)? Where does Jesus go as stated in verse 3 and what does he do and what does it mean? What does Jesus say to Philip and why (vv. 5-6)? How does Philip respond (v. 7)? What is the significance of the boy with bread and fish (v. 9)? What does Jesus do with the bread and fish (v. 11)? Does the passage from John say how all the people were satisfied and how there came to be leftovers?


6. How did the people react (v. 14)? What did the people want to do with Jesus (v. 15)? What does Jesus do (v. 15)? Contrast what we read about David with what we are reading about Jesus—what is the difference? Where do Jesus and the disciples go and how does Jesus get there? Who is demonstrating humility in this story like Uriah?


7. The writer of the letter to the church in Ephesus has made it very clear that Christ came for everyone. How does the writer reinforce this message in verses 14-15? For what does the writer pray for this early gathering of Christians (vv. 16-17)? How do we act when we do not allow Christ to dwell in our hearts?


8. What does the writer want us to understand so that we may not allow our lizard brains to control us (vv. 18-19)? How does a person gain comprehension of the love of God through Jesus Christ? How do you use power?


Tenth Sunday after Pentecost, August 2, 2015

2 Samuel 11:26-12:13a

Psalm 51:1-12:

John 6:24-35

Ephesians 4:1-16


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