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week of June 7

1 Samuel 8:4-20;11:14-15

Psalm 138

Mark 3:20-35

2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1


1.         Where were the elders ofIsraelgathering and who did they want to meet with (v. 4)? Were the people satisfied with Samuel as their leader (v. 5)? What did the elders demand from Samuel and why (v. 5)? Was Samuel pleased and what was his response (vv.6)? How did God respond to Samuel (v. 7)? Was this news to God-who were the people ofIsraelreally worshipping (v. 8)? Does God tell Samuel to ignore the elders (v. 9)?

2.         What does God tell Samuel to warn the people about (v. 9)? What does God say will happen to the people ofIsrael(vv. 11-18)? So, how did the people ofIsraelrespond (vv. 19-20)? What parallels to this history do you see in the world today? What gods are people worshipping today? Who does it seem the people of theUnited Stateswant for leaders? Who became the first king ofIsrael(vv.11:14-15)?


3.         What form of Psalm is this? Where does the psalmist say he will sing God’s praises (v. 1)? What will the psalmist do with his body (v. 2a), and for what will he give thanks (v. 2b-c)? What do you think might have been the response of the psalmist if God had not responded so quickly (v. 3)?


4.         Who will praise God and sing of his ways and glory (vv. 4-5)? Why might these kings bow down before God (v. 6)? How does God perceive our world leaders and you (v. 6)? Does the psalmist have any problems and who does he turn to for help—the kings (v. 7)? Does the psalmist have confidence in God and why (v. 8)? Do you have confidence in God?


5.         The passage from Mark follows the appointment of the 12 disciples by Jesus and after he sends them out to proclaim the message. Where does Jesus go then and who follows (vv. 19b-20)? How does Jesus’ family react (v. 21)? Who comes fromJerusalemand what is their conclusion about Jesus (v. 22)? How does Jesus counter the accusations of the scribes (vv. 23-27)? What does Jesus mean when he refers to a person’s house (v. 27)? Can your house be plundered?


6.         What does Jesus say will be forgiven and what will not be forgiven (vv. 28-30)? Had the disciples received the Holy Spirit by this time in their journey with Jesus? Do you think the disciples understood what Jesus meant—do you? Who does Jesus say are his new family (v. 35)? What would you say is the will of God?


7.         What happens to us once we are physically born? Why does Paul say he believes and speaks the message of Jesus Christ (vv. 13-14)? What do you think Paul was speaking about when he said believers would be raised up into the presence of Jesus (v. 14)? What happens when a person commits her or his life to Christ and is baptized or reaffirms his or her baptism (v. 15)?


8.         What does Paul mean that our outer nature is wasting away but our inner nature is being renewed daily (v. 16)? What does Paul say is momentary and what is eternal (vv. 17-18; 5:1)? Who makes the decision whether we live temporarily or eternally? What is your choice?


Third Sunday after Pentecost, June 14, 2015

1 Samuel15:34-16:13

Psalm 20; Mark 4:26-34

2 Corinthians 5:6-17

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