week of March 1
Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16
Psalm 22:21b-31
Mark 8:31-38
Romans 4:13-25
These are the scriptures from the lectionary for this week,
to be discussed at Bible Study at 12 noon on Thursday and Friday.
1. What was the first covenant made with humans and that was studied last week? With whom does God make this next covenant (vv. 1-2)? What does God promise (vv. 2, 4)? How does Abram react (v. 3)? What does this passage say is to be required of Abram? What name does God give to Abram, and what might the name mean (v. 5)?
2. What will God do for Abraham (v. 6)? For how long will this covenant last (v. 7)? What else does God promise Abraham (v. 8)? What was the original name of Abraham’s wife (v. 15), and what name does God give her? What blessing does God promise Sarah (v. 16)? What does the story of Abraham and Sarah say to you about your relationship with God?
3. The passage from Psalm 22 does not reflect the suffering and hostility the psalmist has endured. What has happened to the psalmist and how does he respond (vv. 21b-22)? What advice does the psalmist give to the people—which people (v. 23)? What did God not do that apparently others did to people (v. 24)? Who do you think the psalmist meant by the afflicted (v. 26)?
4. How will the psalmist respond to God and where and to whom (v. 25)? How do you respond when you realize God has been with you and perhaps brought you freedom or help? What does the psalmist want everyone to remember and why (vv. 27-28)? When do you turn to God—only when you have problems? Who does the psalmist say will serve God (vv. 29-31)? What does this mean to you?
5. What does Mark tell us that Jesus teaches the disciples (v. 31)? How do you think Jesus learned about what he was to teach? Was Jesus trying to hide these facts (v. 32)? How did Peter react (v. 32)? And how did Jesus react to the words of Peter and why (v. 33)? What do you think Peter expected of Jesus?
6. What does Peter teach not only to the disciples but all the people crowding around them (v. 34)? Do you think of yourself as a follower of Christ? Why? What does Jesus say a person must do to be a follower (v. 35)? What does it mean to lose your life (v. 35)? What can all the power and material things really give you (v. 36)? What does your life mean to you (v. 37)? Are you ashamed to tell others you follow Jesus (v. 38)? Does your life illustrate you follow Jesus?
7. What does Paul tell us about how Abraham and his descendants would inherit the world (v. 13)? Review what we read in Genesis about Abraham—did God required Abraham to recite a creed or even to say he believed what God told him? In fact, did God require anything from Abraham? What do we call it when God loves us unconditionally?
8. What is the definition of faith? How did Abraham demonstrate the faith Paul talks about? Does following all the rules make you right with God? Have you ever lost faith in someone or even yourself? Do you think God ever loses faith in us? How can you grow stronger in your faith? Can you say you trust God to guide you and provide for you? Do you always want more?
Third Sunday of Lent, March 8, 2015
Exodus 20:1-17
Psalm 19
John 2:13-22; 1 Corinthians 1:18-25