week of March 15
Numbers 21:4-9
Psalm 107:1-3, 17-22
John 3:14-21;
Ephesians 2:1-10
These are the scriptures from the lectionary for this week,
to be discussed at Bible Study at 12 noon on Thursday and Friday.
1. In the passage from Numbers, where were the Israelites slaves located and where are they going (v. 4)? Were the people taking a short-cut (v. 4)? Were the people pleased (v. 4)? How were the people responding (v. 5)? Have the people ever gripped before—why (v. 5)? In the past who did the people contend with that is different in verse 5?
2. How does God respond according to the passage and why (v. 6)? What commandment did the people violate? What did the people do (v. 7)? How did Moses respond (v. 7)? What did God instruct Moses to do and for what reason (v. 8)? What have we read repeatedly that the people ofIsraelrequired of prophets and of Jesus? How were people to be healed (v. 9)? Why did God decide to allow healing?
3. Why does the psalmist say people should give thanks to God (v. 1)? Does God ever cease to love what God created according to the psalmist (v. 1)? Who is being referred to as redeemed (v. 2)? Who is offered redemption (v. 3)? Do you need to be redeemed—from what?
4. In verse 17 of Psalm 107, who might this verse refer to? How did the people feel about their food (v. 18)? To whom did the people finally turn to for help (v. 19)? How were they healed (v. 20)? From what do you need healing? If you think you do not need any healing, do you think Jesus would agree? How are the people who are healed to respond to God (v. 21)? How about you?
5. To what is Jesus compared by John (v. 13)? So, how is a person to be healed (v. 15)? What healing do you think John is describing? Why did God take this action through Jesus (vv. 16-17)? How do you respond to someone’s unconditional love?
6. What does John say about people who do not believe in Jesus (v. 18)? What does light symbolize in Scripture? Who does John say is the light (vv. 18-19)? What are the consequences of hating the light? What do you trust and chose to follow (vv. 20-21)?
7. Who is Paul describing as being dead and why (vv. 1-2)? Are you dead or alive? What controls your life—selfishness or love (v. 3)? How can we be freed (v. 4)? Why would God offer us this freedom (v. 4)?
8. How is this freedom to be gained—by our actions or by God’s love known as grace (vv. 5-10)? What is God’s grace? What is necessary for a person to accept this grace (v. 8)? How does John Wesley describe grace?
Fifth Sunday of Lent, March 22, 2015
Jeremiah 31:31-34
Psalm 51:1-12
John 12:20-33;
Hebrews 5:5-10