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week of May 24

Psalm 104:24-34, 35b

John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15

Acts 2:1-21

Romans 8:22-27


1.         What does the psalmist describe in verse 24 of Psalm 104? Is any a mistake? Does all that God created seek independence from God (vv. 27-29)? How does God go about this creation (v. 30)? Is God through creating in your opinion?

2.         In what does the psalmist want God to glorify forever (v. 31)? Do you think God always rejoices in what God has created? To what does your life indicate you praise (v. 33)?  What causes you to rejoice?


3.         Who or what will send the Holy Spirit (v. 26)? How else is the Holy Spirit (“HS”) described (v. 26)? What will the Holy Spirit do (v. 26)? How are the disciples to act and why (v. 27)? How does Jesus describe the emotions of the disciples as he tells them he will be with them no longer (v. 6)?


4.         In verse 7, what truth does Jesus tell the disciples? What is one of the requirements for the Holy Spirit to come upon the disciples (v. 7)? What three things will the HS prove to the world (v. 8)? How is sin defined (v. 9)? How is righteousness defined (v. 10)? How is judgment defined (v. 11)?

            Who or what is the ruler of the world (v. 11)? What will enable the disciples to understand the truth (. 13)? Do you want to know and understand the truth? Who do you turn to for the truth?


5.         What does the word Pentecost mean (v. 1)? Where were the disciples (v. 1)? How is the arrival of the HS described? How did the disciples immediately respond (v. 4)? Who heard the disciples and why were they so surprised and perplexed (vv. 6-7, 12)?


6.         What were the disciples accused of doing (v. 13)? How does Peter respond, and how does his response seem to differ from how Peter is portrayed in the Gospels (vv. 14-15)? Peter begins to repeat a passage from the prophet Joel; how could this happen (v. 16)? What promised is being realized, and who is it limited to (vv. 17-21)? Do you want to be saved—what must you do (v. 21)?


7.         Why has the whole of creation been groaning and what is the meaning of this metaphor (v. 22)? For what two things are the early followers of Christ awaiting (v. 23)? What does adoption mean, and what does redemption of our bodies mean (v. 23)? What is the benefit of hope and how is it described (vv. 24-25)? What gift does one receive who lives in hope (v. 25)?


8.         What does the HS do for us in our weakness (v. 26)? Do you think you know how to pray—explain (v. 26)? How does the HS intercede for us when we don’t really know how or what to pray (v. 26)? What does God know that we either don’t know or refuse to admit (v. 27)? And yet, what does God do for us (v. 27)?


Trinity Sunday, May 31, 2015

Psalm 29

Isaiah 6:1-8

John 3:1-17

Romans 8:12-17

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