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week of November 22

2 Samuel 23:1-7;

Psalm 132:1-12;

John 18:33-37;


1.         How is David described in verse 1? What does verse 1 say about how God viewed David? How does David describe his relationship with God in verse2? If a person is anointed to lead or rule people, how is that person to exercise his/her power (v. 3)?  How would you define a right relationship with God?

2.         DoesDavidbelieve he has a right relationship with God (v. 5)? What did God promiseDavidand his subsequent generations (v. 5)? DoesDavidtrust God’s promise (v. 5)? What are the consequences according toDavidfor people who have no relationship with God (vv. 6-7)? How would you describe your relationship with God—obedient or disobedient?

3.         What is being remembered in verses 1-5 of Psalm 132? During the life ofDavid, where did the people of Israe lunderstand was the dwelling place of God (v. 5)? What was found in the fields of Jaar (v. 6)?

4.         Where didDavidfinally deliver the ark (vv. 8-10)? How are the people to respond (v. 9)? How does the psalmist reinforce the desire that God dwell inZion(vv. 10-12)?

5.         Where do we find Jesus in the passage from the Gospel of John? Who is questioning Jesus and why (v.33)? What is the question asked of Jesus and how does Jesus respond (vv. 33-34)? Does it appear that Pilate understands what has caused Jesus to be before him (v. 35)?

6.         What had Jesus done (v. 35; see 2 Samuel 23:3-4)? What does Jesus admit (v. 36)? What does Pilate conclude and Jesus confirms (v. 37)? Who does Jesus say listens to him (v. 37)? Does Jesus use violence to combat violence? What kind of king is Jesus?

7.         What does John wish for all the readers/listeners (v. 4b)? How is God described (v. 4b)? How is Jesus described (v. 5)? How is Jesus relationship with us described in verse 5b? According to the writer, what did Jesus do for all who believe and follow him (v. 6)?

8.         Is this salutation from the beginning of the Book of Revelation a message of hope or despair? Will anyone be excluded from being able to see Christ (v. 7)? Why would people wail (v. 7)? Did Jesus ever preach fear? So, what is coming for us? Are you looking? 

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