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week of October 11

Job 23:1-9; 16-17;

Psalm 22:1-15

Mark 10:17-31;

Hebrews 4:12-16


1.         How does Job describe his mood (v. 2)? Does Job have a lot of energy (v. 2)? Does his groaning seem to help (v. 2)? Who does Job want to find and what does he want to do once he finds the person (vv. 3-4)? What does Job want to learn (v. 5)?  


2.         Who is Job talking about (v. 6)? What does Job wonder will happen (v. 6)? Does he think he will be ignored (v. 6)? Why does Job think he will not be ignored (v. 7)? So, how does Job judge himself? How does Job describe his inability to find God (vv. 8-9)?  Do you ever feel as though God is punishing you? Do you think you are justified in not being punished? Do you ever feel God has forsaken you as did Job (v. 16)? What do you want to do in those circumstances (v. 17)?


3.         Can you imagine Job uttering these very words of Psalm 22, in particular verse 1? What does the psalmist say he does continuously (v. 2)? Is the psalmist able to find peace (v. 2)? So, what does the psalmist do to reassure himself of God’s providence (vv. 3-5)? When in trouble do you remember what God has done for you or your family previously? If not, why do you call on God for help?


4.         What is making it even more difficult for the psalmist to have faith (vv. 6-8)? Did this happen to Job? Have people ever mocked you for your faith while you were undergoing difficulties? Again, what does the psalmist remind himself of to give him assurance that God will help him (vv. 9-11)? How does the psalmist describe himself in verses 14-15? Ever felt that way? How did you get through it?


5.         Who comes before Jesus and what does he ask (v. 17)? Does Jesus provide a direct answer at first (v. 18)? In fact, what indirect questions does Jesus ask this person (v. 19)? How does the person answer and how is Christ’s relationship with him described (vv. 20-21)?


6.         How did Jesus summarize the Ten Commandments? Which one of the two commandments of Jesus did he ask of the young man in verse 19? Which commandment does Jesus tell the young man he must do to inherit eternal life (v. 21)? What is the meaning of this parable including the difficulty of a rich person entering thekingdomofGod? According to Jesus if you put the good news first will you need what culture says is important (vv. 28-31)?


7.         What is described as living and active enabling us to judge our thoughts and intentions of our hearts (v. 12)? How do you define the word of God? Can we hide from God (v. 13)? What do you think you are hiding from God? Who are you really hiding from?


8.         What confession is the writer referring to in verse 14? Who is this high priest and why can he sympathize with our weaknesses (vv. 14-15)? So know that we are susceptible to temptation, what does the writer call us to do (v. 16)? Are you ready? Do you want to be healed?


Twenty-first Sunday after Pentecost, October 18, 2015

Job 38:1-7; 34-41;

Psalm 104:1-9, 24, 35c

Mark 10:35-45;

Hebrews 5:1-10

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