week of October 25
Job 42:1-6; 10-17;
Psalm 34:1-8, 19-22
Mark 10:46-52; Hebrews 7:23-28
1. Verses 1-6 seem to reflect Job restating the questions God has asked him and then he answers. How does Job describe God in verse 2? What is the question in verse 3, and how does Job respond? Is it possible for a reader of the Scriptures to not understand what they are to mean? How does Job answer the question in verse 4 (v. 5)? What is unusual about Job’s answer in verse 5? How can a person see God?
2. What does God do for Job (v. 10)? Who or what is referred to as causing all the evil to befall Job (v. 11)? Have you ever experienced an event in your life that was so painful but lead to a much more bountiful and joyful life? How do you explain what happened?
3. Does your bible has a superscription (statement under the Psalm description) referring to Abimelech? If so, a close reading of 1 Samuel21:10-15 will show it should refer to King Achish. What is the psalmist doing in verses 1-3? Why was the psalmist so thankful (vv. 4-6)? Have you ever sought God, and God delivered from what you feared? How did you respond?
4. According to the psalmist, who will receive help (v. 7)? What invitation does the psalmist offer (v. 8)? If you have a right relationship with God and your sisters and brothers are you guaranteed there will be no afflictions in your life (v. 19)? What brings death to the wicked and what kind of death (v. 21)? What will happen who hate people who have a right relationship with God (v. 21)? Who will be set free (v. 22)? Do you want to be set free?
5. Where do we find Jesus in this passage from Mark, and what was he, his disciples, and others doing (v. 46)? Who causes a commotion—what did he do (vv. 46-47)? How does this person describe Jesus, and what might be his understanding of Jesus (v. 47)? How do the people traveling with Jesus respond (v. 48)? Why do you think they acted in that manner?
6. How does Jesus respond to the man who is yelling for mercy (v. 49)? What question does Jesus ask of the blind man and how does this man respond (v. 51)? What does the blind man want (v. 51)? What does Jesus do for the blind man and why (v. 52)? How does the blind man respond to his healing (v. 52)? What needs to be healed in your life, and if it is what will be your response?
7. Up to the passage read today in Chapter 7 of Hebrews, the discussion has been about the priestly Order of Melchizedek. But in verse 23, what prevents such former priests and in fact all mortal priests from continuing in office? But who holds the office of high priest forever (v. 24)? Therefore, what is Jesus able to do that human priests have not been able to do (v. 25)?
8. What did God demonstrate for us through Jesus (v. 26)? Why does Jesus not need to offer sacrifices continuously (v. 27)? What was the origin of the mortal high priests (v. 28)? Yet, what did Jesus say he came to fulfill? What is the true law of God summarized by Jesus?
Twenty-third Sunday after Pentecost, November 1, 2015
Isaiah 25:6-9;
Psalm 24
John 11:32-44; Revelation 21:1-6a