Week of October 30
Café Corazon Bible Study
Twenty-Fourth Sunday after Pentecost, October 30, 2016
Habakkuk 1:1-4, 2:1-4; Psalm 119:137-144
Luke 19:1-10; 2 Thessalonians 1:1-4, 11-12
1. The verses we read from the Book of Habakkuk may very well have been referring to the injustices of a Judean king about 609-598 B.C.E. For what is Habakkuk crying to God (v. 2)? What has the prophet seen that is so disturbing (v. 3)? What has happened to the systems of right and wrong (v. 4)? How might these same words apply to current times? What about the Christians being killed or run out ofIraqandSyriabyISIS? What about a person who is LBGT in theUnitedMethodistChurch? How about the parent of young black or Hispanic children as they interact with police?
2. Does Habakkuk give up (v. 2:2)? What does the prophet demonstrate (vv. 2:1, 4b)? What does God tell him to do (v. 2)? Have you ever had to wait on a promise from someone? What does God tell Habakkuk to do (v. 3)? What is the message of hope in verse 4? How did Martin Luther King respond to the lack of justice he was witnessing? Did he resort to violence? What vision did Dr. King have and that he spoke about from the Book of Amos?
3. How does the psalmist related to God in verse 137 of Psalm 119? How does the psalmist describe the rules or decrees given by God in verse 138? What consumes the psalmist and why (v. 139)? Could the psalmist be referring to his desire to see justice? What does the psalmist love (v. 140)? What zeal fills your life—justice, vengeance, desire for more, reason, respect, love?
4. Does the psalmist come across as arrogant (v. 141a)? What does the psalmist refuse to forget (v. 141b)? What does this mean for you? Does the psalmist think of God as capricious and judgmental or compassionate and loving (vv. 142,144)? How does the psalmist keep going in difficult times (v. 143)? How do people who suffer injustice keep going or do they? How do you deal with suffering?
5. What was the status of a tax collector inIsraelandJudahat the time of Jesus? Who is Zacchaeus and how is he described (v. 2)? What was Zacchaeus trying to do (v. 3)? Was Zacchaeus easily thwarted (v. 4)? How would John Wesley describe what was causing Zacchaeus to act in this manner? Why are you participating in this Bible study? What does Jesus say to Zach (v. 5) and how did Zach react (v. 6)?
6. How did people react when they heard what Jesus said to Zacchaeus (v. 7)? How do you think Jesus would have reacted today if the person in the tree was an illegal alien, someone convicted of a felony, a woman, or someone who was transgendered? How do you think members of some churches would react? How does Zacchaeus respond to his encounter with God through Jesus Christ (v. 8)? How does Jesus respond to the actions of Zacchaeus (vv. 9-10)? So, how should the church react today?
7. How does Paul greet the church of the Thessalonians (v. 2)? What does that mean to you? Why is Paul giving thanks (v. 3)? How do you think Paul would react where people who are different are turned away from a church? What is growing abundantly in you (v. 3)?
8. I find verses 5-10 counter to my understanding of Jesus and his love for everyone. If a person decides not to have faith in God or does not know God, will God’s grace be revoked for that person? Who reading this study can say you have never backslid in your faith? Did Jesus give up on you?
Twenty-Fifth Sunday after Pentecost, November 6, 2016
Daniel 7:1-3, 15-18; Psalm 149;
Luke 6:20-31; Ephesians 1:11-23