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week of September 13

Proverbs 1:20-33;

Psalm 19;

Mark 8: 27-38;

James 3:1-12


1.         In what gender is wisdom personified (v. 20)? Has wisdom been attempting to help people (vv. 20-21)? But what appears to be the response of the people (v. 22)? What does wisdom offer to the people (v. 23)? What will be the response of wisdom in verses 26-27? Why (vv. 24-25)?


2.         When will people seek wisdom (v. 28)? Why (vv. 26-27)? What is true knowledge (v. 29)? Why would a person hate true knowledge? What will be the consequences of ignoring God’s knowledge (vv. 31-32)? But what are the consequences of those who listen to the wisdom of God (v. 33)? As a child, how often did you ignore the wisdom of your parents and teachers? What were the consequences? What have been the consequences in your life when you knew your were doing something foolish?


3.         How does the psalmist describe how a person might begin to understand the knowledge of and wisdom from God (vv. 1-4a)? What symbolism does the psalmist use to illustrate the availability of knowledge from God (vv. 4b-6)?


4.         What does the psalmist say is perfect and what is its benefit (v. 7)? How else does the psalmist describe God’s ways (v. 8)? What does the psalmist say lasts forever (v. 9)? Do you fear God? What do you want more than anything (v. 10)? Are you like the simple and foolish people described in the reading from Proverbs? What does the psalmist request from God (v. 11-13), and how does that related to you? Are your thoughts and words always acceptable to God?


5.         What is the first question Jesus asks the disciples (v. 27)? How do they respond (v. 28)? What is the next question Jesus asks the disciples and how does Peter respond (v. 29)? What does Jesus tell the disciples not to do and why (v. 30)? Who do you say is Jesus and why?


6.         What then does Jesus begin to teach the disciples (v. 31)? How does Peter react (v. 32)? How does Jesus respond to Peter’s action and statement (v. 33)? What exactly does Jesus mean in verse 33? What does Jesus say is necessary for people to follow him (vv. 34-35)? What does Jesus mean about losing one’s life in verses 35-37)? Do your actions show you are ashamed of Jesus?


7.         Who does James say is perfect (v. 2b)? Yet, who does James say makes mistakes (v. 2a)? What analogies does James use to describe the power of our ability to speak and talk (vv.3-5)? How else does James speak about our ability to speak (vv. 6-8)?


8.         What did Jesus say about our ability to speak (see Mark7:18-23)? Do we have a choice about what we speak (v. 9)? How have you used your voice today—as a blessing or as a curse, or both?


Seventeenth Sunday after Pentecost, September 20, 2015

Proverbs 31:10-31;

Psalm 1;

Mark 9: 30-37;

James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a


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